


Co-op City (short for Cooperative City) is a cooperative housing development located in the northeast section of the borough of the Bronx in New York City.

The Making Of Co-op City, America's Biggest Housing Co

2022年10月20日 — Co-op City is the largest housing cooperative in America, possibly internationally. It's 15,372 apartments, in a corner of the Northeast Bronx.

OP城市海港景觀飯店(CO-OP City Hotel Harborview)

CO - OP城市海港景觀飯店是一家價格實惠的飯店,提供舒適的住宿環境和優質的服務。平均房價僅為每晚45美元,相較於濟州市的平均房價82美元,更加經濟實惠。儘管價格較低, ...

【2023年最新優惠】首爾庫珀城飯店(Coop City Hotel Stayco)

首爾庫珀城飯店(Coop City Hotel Stayco)(首爾) 2023年超值優惠,每晚最低價起。位於首爾的絕佳商務地段,Coop City Hotel Stayco提供最好的環境,讓您遠離塵囂。


There are 236 townhouses in Co-op City, each of which has 3 floors and two apartments, a one-bedroom and a three-bedroom. The one-bedroom, which is on the ...

Co-op City is a New York State Mitchell

Co-op City is a New York State Mitchell-Lama housing cooperative in the northeast Bronx with 15,372 residential units in 35 high-rise buildings and seven (7) ...

Bronx Metro-North: Co-op City

Co-op City is home to the country's largest cooperative housing development, a community of more than 44,000 residents. The station will also provide for ...

Co-op City Hotel Seongsan (西歸浦市)

Co-op City Hotel Seongsan 是您旅遊西歸浦市時絕佳的飯店選擇。結合了超值、舒適及方便性,親子風格且同時提供旅客多樣的服務設備。 客房提供空調設施和冰箱,上網也 ...
